
Friday, August 26, 2011

New House- Much to do!

Again, I've disappeared. It's not like you people would care much, but I write these blogs to share with those who care a piece of my mind, and to document a time of my life. I've never been committed to diaries, so to me a blog is perfect because it encourages me to keep writing and sharing stuff with people from all over the globe. 
Anyway, my new place is an interesting animal. The layout of my new house is very strange, which have created a big challenge in terms of decorating each space. I have always been fond of feng shui, so each area of the house will have a certain color palette, together with a certain way of placing the furniture in order to create that "zen-like" atmosphere. 
I am expecting a baby, and recently found out it's going to be a girl!! The nursery however, is located on a region which calls for blues and greens... So I've decided to incorporate green with a shade of lilac to create something feminine yet modern. 
I'm very excited to have the chance to finish my bedroom (which is very small), but it's located at a very important place of the house... the wealth zone. It calls for purple, blue, or red. I have decided to do a theme of purple, royal blue, and gold... it should be cozy yet very regal. 
I'll post some pics once everything start falling into place... perhaps it will give someone, somewhere some inspiration to renovate their house, or simply rearrange their furniture. 
Good part about it all should be the extra room being converted into a walk-in closet for husband and I. I'm looking forward to having all my clothes, shoes, and accessories organized. 
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!!!!!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Finally in Germany!!!!

I know I have been missing for a while, but let me tell you that moving to another country takes a lot of preparation. Between making sure we had a new place to stay, finding a moving company that ships at a good price overseas, getting all the stuff ready to move, renewing my passport, and getting all other documents sorted out.... uff I believe it's understandable why writing hasn't been a priority. Anyway, I said my goodbyes (for now) to Toronto, and embarked on a new journey to Germany! 
On a more positive note, I am now finally settling down at my new place in Germany, and I'm excited to share with you guys a lot more interesting things. Fall is also coming very soon, which means... Fashion Week will be back once again!!! 

See you guys again soon! 