
Friday, July 8, 2011

Soundtrack of the Day- Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall by Coldplay

I must confess I have a thing for British bands... but my love affair with Coldplay started ages ago since 1999 (in all fairness I was 12 years old then, and I know they existed as a band under a different name before that). 
Anyway, today is the beginning of another weekend, it's summer time, the day is bright, sunny and warm. Days like these call for a positive upbeat song that just makes you see every color a bit brighter than it might appear. Music influences the way I feel quite often, so by making a pleasant memory with a particular song, it enables me to recreate that same feeling even during a cloudy, stormy, and rainy day. 
When I heard this song for the first time, automatically I started thinking about a lively city, where people just went about their business with a full smile on their faces. Perhaps that thought it's far fetched from our daily reality, but since you can't control how others feel, your best bet is to control your own attitude and just carry on through the day as if "Every siren is a symphony/ And every tear's a waterfall". 
Enjoy your weekend, and keep up the feel good nature of summer. 
And for those on the Southern Hemisphere... Listen to something that takes you to where the sunshine is. 


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