
Friday, June 10, 2011

Art For All Moods - Music

There are days when we find ourselves in a particular mood, when no matter how many different outlets one can resort to reflect what we feel, and we just find it better to fall back into an old comforting favorite artist. Well, that’s what I do at least instead of bugging my friends and family with personal nonsense. I have friends who sort of follow the same concept, and often times they find themselves reading the same book over and over, or going through a particular artist’s gallery, practicing a particular dance routine by a certain choreographer, and … fill in the blank in order to snap out of a, emphasize, express, or even recreate a certain feeling. 

 I am a musician, so it is obvious that I’m drawn towards music as my escape, my mirror, and my guidance. Each year we’re introduced to awesome newcomers in the art world, but I always choose an artist to rely on during the times when I am in a particular mood. This year I chose Radiohead.

It doesn’t matter what mood I am in, they always manage to be dead on in expressing all that is roaming through my tumultuous brain. Their musicality has been praised, criticized, and scrutinized by thousands of critics, other fellow musicians, and listeners alike since their formation and rise to success. Saying that, I am not here to tell you about the technicalities that make Radiohead one of the best Alternative Rock bands of all time (to my opinion anyway). I will just simply say that their abstract lyrics, Thom’s unique vocal abilities, the Greewood brothers mastering of their instruments, and Selway’s beats are just able to tell my story no matter what weather is going on inside my head.

Just like when we were kids, and we felt the need to report everything to our parents (from the cool star we won from the teacher in drawing class at kindergarden, to the boo boo we had on our little fingers), I find it delightful that by listening to their songs I get the same comforting effect. I know how each song is going to end; heck! I can even sing them harmonizing with Thom as if I was a part of the band and the recording, but the pleasure is still the same. Some songs even seem to have been written just for that moment in my life! Darn, I wish life could be like a movie sometimes, with cool background music playing randomly matching our personal events.

So, be it music, dance, a movie, paintings, photographs, an author, etc, we all have a special place for a form of art that can express better than us what is going on in our deepest subconscious minds. What is your outlet? What is your choice of art for all moods? 

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