
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Keep on moving on

Where to start… I am a 24 year old with big dreams. I’ve been jumping from place to place ever since I can remember, until I finally settled in Miami Beach for around 10yrs before making a drastic move to Montreal, Canada. Didn’t last long, and eight months later I was moving once again this time to the city of Toronto. Here I worked for a while as a booker/agent at a boutique modeling agency, and things came to a halt when I found out I was pregnant the day after my 24th birthday.
I must admit I entered a state of trance as I slowly witnessed my “Big Dreams” being shattered piece by piece. One morning I woke up (feeling like crap, very typical during the first trimester), and I thought to myself “When will I stop being sick?”. Sick? I wasn’t sick, I wasn’t dying, I was only pregnant, and that shouldn’t mean it was the end of the road for me; I simply had to take a detour and walk a different route.
After much deliberation, my partner and I decided that we would move to Europe and have the baby there. Once again, I find myself getting things ready for another big move… I must say that some people now regard me as a nomad, but I am up for the challenge especially if it’ll be beneficial for the baby, my partner and hopefully I.
So here I am… I have decided to dedicate this blog to everyone who still have big dreams, and no matter how difficult circumstances get along the way- they never give up. I’m looking forward to sharing some of my life experiences, music and style tips and preferences. 

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